Being that the underpinnings of the Watchtower Corp. is based on wishful thinking, delusions of grander, and a nieve self serving interpretation of ancient bronze age writings, I see a collapse in the works.
With lawsuit cases being fought all over the world the Watchtower clearly has over extended itself. Videos of proper record destruction, failure to comply with court orders to hand over records, costly appeals to eventually settle out of court with a gag order. This is seriously eating up their assets.
They have many construction projects that have been halted or only half finished, they are being forced to sell their most valuable real estate holdings, Kingdom halls are being sold and congregations are being liquidated and combined to make the loss in active publishers not so noticeable. They had to rob all congregations of their bank account surplus over a few months operating expenses, by mean of a Governing Body mandated order which can not be rejected with out serious consequences.
Printing literature is no longer a money maker, instead it is becoming a unnecessary expense with the advent of the internet and paperless information sharing.
Mega lawsuits in Canada, USA, Australia, and the publicity about these will make persons less inclined to give even the hard core believer will eventually be effected as more property get sold and they find out about these legal problems the WT corp. is facing and where their contributions are going(to pay for bad policies made by the GB(faithful and discreet not!) that harms children).
They may be able to coast a long as a bare bones minimal cost operation for decades but I sincerely doubt it will be worth the effort. If the court case continue to grow against them as this pedophile thing gains momentum they may have to claim bankruptcy when the funds dry up, and liquidation of assets can't keep up with legal costs.